1. fruit salad, 2. i can taste summer! a.k.a. childhood summer! a.k.a. childhood reminiscence! a.k.a. those were the good times!, 3. Eid Mubarak - عید فطر مبارک, 4. *fresh*, 5. abundance prayer, 6. Happy!, 7.Contraste de Colores 02, 8. Apples and Peanut Butter, 9. one cherry, 10. Details of Kiwi, 11. Lime, 12.Vitis*, 13. You can't eat me!, 14. fruit of the vine, 15. Transgenic Apple, 16. Caravaggio's Mangoes, 17.Cherry*, 18. Succulent, 19. Happy Fruit Grass, 20. supercitrus super collider, 21. Cape Gooseberries, 22. Fruits of autumn, 23. Atis, 24. Untitled, 25. Amarillito

1. Strawberry / Erdbeere, 2. Himbeeren, 3. Obstsalat A, 4. Erdbeere, 5. IMG_6236, 6. Johannisbeeren, 7. Red, 8. Marienkäferschlafplatz, 9. Fresas, 10. Tomate - Tomato, 11. wir trafen uns in einem Garten, 12. Himbeere, 13. nobadys perfect, 14. Himbeere mit Besuch, 15. Views of Bonn, 16. Kirsche, 17. Red Cherries, 18. Johannisbeeren, 19. Erdbeeren, 20. Die süßesten Früchte essen nur die großen Tiere ......, 21. Erdbeeren, 22. Beeren, 23. vermelho-lichia, 24. red and green fruit, 25. Seedless Watermellon

1. Red, 2. The lemon shot, 3. Johannisbeere, 4. The first harvest, 5. Stachelbeere, 6. Pomegranate, 7.Blood Orange, 8. Strawberries, 9. Tuscan Sun
A few veggies thrown in here too.. :)

1. IMG_6956 viel gesundes grün, 2. Autumn colors, 3. Riton et les petits pois..., 4. Golden Corn !, 5.Fractals in nature, 6. gourds, 7. Not at all!, 8. Peppers, 9. amarelo-carambola, 10. Glow of Autumn 'Pigeon White' Kale, 11. sour kiss, 12. amarelo-banana, 13. Happy Fruit Grass, 14. Two Peas in a Pod, 15. Yellow and green, 16. Squash, 17. green, 18. oystershroom, 19. Untitled, 20. habaneros, 21.broccoli, 22. Barbequed Maize, Corn on the Cob, 23. Spears, 24. Fruits of autumn, 25. Apologies to Booker T.
this has to be the best, most fruitiest friday post ever:)
Fabulous pictures! I love the colours... very uplifting to look at : )
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