Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ahh Summer...

Summer is officially now here in the northern hemisphere! I LOVE summer. Its my favorite season of the year. To kick off the season, I spent some time yesterday at a lake beach soaking in some rays and then I went to my parents, where we had a fire by the pond, roasted marshmallows, and watched the lightning bugs.

Some of my other favorite things about summer include going to the old drive-in movie theater, playing tennis, taking road trips, working out in the garden and my little vineyard, riding the motorcycle with my dad, outdoor plays and music festivals, hiking, and eating so many fresh fruits and veggies.

Here are a few other things I love about summer in photos:

pink lemonade


reading a good book outside

going berry picking

tea parties and other fun gatherings

swinging on my tree swing

eating ice cream

going to the ocean

fresh summer breezes

and just relaxing...

What do you love about summer?

A Whole Lotta Love,


vintch said...

i love eating my meals outside. there's something about a tomato sandwich on the front porch swing that makes an ordinary day quite magical:)

Jessica Ruud said...

Love the pictures! I love lying in a hammock and reading, swimming, camping, going on vacations, drive-inn movies, ice-cream, etc. Love love LOVE summer :)

Sabina said...

OK, these are the best summer pics I've seen so far!! I could get lost in them!

Happy Friday!

Stephanie Scarpa said...

Lovely pictures!

/S / http://

Call it Adventure said...

I love all those things you posted! I love that for a few months out of the year, I can actually be outside all day long and totally love it! I love being able to take nighttime walks without freezing my butt off, and I love being able to dance in the rain without worrying about getting pneumonia! Your list is so cute, and it's got me mega excited to do some more fun, summery things!

Unknown said...

Amazing. My family also does the whole fire by the pond with marshmallows and lighting bug watching. One of my very favorite activities... period!!

shopgirl said...

Love pink lemonade. I gotta get a recipe for that. I love everything about summer, except the hot wind and mosquitoes.


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