Last week actually was my birthday and we had some nice celebrations. My dad even made a fun treasure hunt out in the yard like we used to do when I was a kid. My sister is travelling right now.. so she couldn't be around, but she sent some nice gifts and this card that I absolutely love (made from

Anyway, I wanted to show this card... and then I thought it might be fun to scan a few other 'Adrienne' things that have been given to me over the years. This is an old songbook from a musical play. Isn't it awesome that it says Love is All?
These are the words inside:
How can I make you understand, Just what you mean to me? To have you near, to hold your hand, Seems more a dream than reality. You're like a princess in some fairy lore, I'm like a beggar who waits at your door. Love is all - I can give you dear. One desire to bless your life - With joy or happiness; Can't you hear - My heart softly call? Sweetheart mine, At your shrine - I lay my love, my life, my all!
(back cover)
This is also something I recently came across. My parents had a fire in their barn, where I had much of my memorabilia stored, and these things were salvaged. It was actually quite fun to re-discover all of these hidden treasures out of the ashes. And all the more reason to 'digitize' some of these lovely memories.
Well, this post has just been for me as a way to store my memories... but I hope you like my little Celebrate Adrienne Day too. Have you celebrated yourself lately?
A Whole Lotta Love,
Adrienne Day? That is awesome. What a sweet, lovely idea!
All these things you've kept over the years are wonderful. I especially love "Vague", hahahaha.
Happy belated birthday darling!
How wonderfully creative! These kind of things are priceless!
awesome! u are so gorge! you deserve to be on every mag:) enjoy the weekend lovely
oh that is so sweet =) i want a me day!
this is just so sweet! I love the last one and your parents sound awesome!
Happy Adrienne Day!
p.s. I think I'm gonna have to have a "Reese Day!"
Thanks for the idea :-)
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