Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wine Cellar Dreams

Last winter we started working on our basement, transforming it into a wine cellar. After some bad contractors and then being swindled by Tile of Luxury, the project got put off for a while, especially as the weather got nicer and we started on some outdoor projects. Last year I blogged about some wine cellar inspirations, but since that time I have collected a few more images on my computer that I thought I'd share (and then delete from my hard drive). I'm not sure where these images came from unfortunately. Anyway, the project is up and going again and I hope these images have you dreaming of stealing away to a winery or do a little wine tasting. I know they are inspiring me to crack open a bottle of red right now on this rainy New England evening!

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. WOW! Those pictures are would be awesome to live like that or have some of those cellers in our houses! Thanks for sharing them! Have a great weekend, off to explore your blog some more, stop by mine somtime :)

  2. What lovely photos - i'd love to pop into any of them for a cheeky glass of red :)

    Best of luck with your project, i hope it goes smoothly from hereon in xx

  3. Drool...I would love to have a wine cellar. The next to last image is looking pretty perfect to me!

  4. Oh so lovely! I especially like the first cellar. How I wish my basement was over six feet...


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