Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bali Bliss

Hi all,
I am now back from my trip to Indonesia, which was incredible. I absolutely loved it there. The people are so warm and gracious and the Balinese culture is beautiful. They love to celebrate life and do so at every chance that they get... even if that means stopping traffic for a parade or festival - or stopping all work on the whole island for a full day (imagine if we did that in western culture!). 

The island is absolutely perfect for holiday travel as well. Most people speak English, there is a wealth of great restaurants and the list of things to do was endless. There are many interesting temples and historical sites, amazing dance and cultural shows, and lots of activities such as volcano trekking, scuba diving and snorkeling, and white water rafting. I was travelling solo, which is not something I have done much of, and it was extremely easy to get around and I felt very safe. Plus, its quite inexpensive, with most of my hotels averaging around $20/ night - including breakfast. Do I sound like an advertisement for Bali or what?

Anyway, here are a few pics of my trip:

And if you want to see all 800, you can go to my online album here:
Indonesia (and Hong Kong)

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. Wow! It looks so colorful and relaxing, and those roots on that tree are amazing!

  2. Your photos are so beautiful. You look like you had an amazing trip.

  3. I cannot believe how stunning those photos are! Welcome back!

  4. Soooo beautiful!I would love to visit there one day, it looks absolutely magical!
    welcome home!

  5. Completely gorgeous.

    I adore the one of the boys washing in the fountain :)

  6. these pictures are amazing. i really want to visit now.

  7. Wow! Those pictures are great and make me want to travel more!
    I bet it was a blast!

  8. I've just stumbled across this beautiful blog of yours and I'm so glad I found it!

    Your newest follower,
    Carla xx.


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