Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Surfing - Christmas style

It’s one of those drizzly freezing rainy days here in Vermont today. It’s one of those days where you just really don’t want to step out of the house. I watched the classic movie, White Christmas, last night for the first time. Can you believe I’ve never seen it? … especially because I’m all about that kind of movie. I’m not sure how it could have possibly happened that I reached the age of 31 without seeing White Christmas, but sure enough oddities like that do happen to me. Anyway, just like in the movie, I’m dreaming of a Vermont white Christmas. We’ve had little dustings here and there, but we have yet to really get our first snow that really sticks around. So, as I sit inside here on this drizzly day, I thought I’d pass along to you some of my Christmas loves from around the web. As usual, just click the photo to link to the site. 

I absolutely love photos like the ones taken below. Click the photo to be taken to a wonderful tutorial on how to make custom bokehs to take photos like these of your Christmas tree. I'm definitely going to try this!

I just love this photo, don't you? I just had to include it here. 
Christmas Tree Custom Bokeh - Top Christmas Pictures to Get Before the Tree Comes Down!

I love these home-made burlap stockings filled with greenery... until Santa comes down to fill them with other treats!

 I want to try this mulled wine recipe... 

and this baked maple brie with pecans and cranberries. Just divine. 

And I might try this with some fall gourds I still have lying around.

Have a lovely Sunday! 

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. alright totally trying this! awesome!

  2. I so need to learn more about those beautiful bokehs - so magical! And I love gourds year round, that picture is super-holiday-festive :)
    Oh, I work as a social scientist (it's in my profile, but not on my page (yet)) - most of my research relates to public programs (health, education, welfare) - I need to travel to DC a lot, as you can imagine, to face off with government agencies, panels and such (fun :)).

  3. Aw that boston terrier picture is stunning.

  4. you live in Vermont and are just now seeing White Christmas! :D I'm dreaming of a white Christmas in SC :D (wish me luck)

    PS. your home is lovely!


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