Friday, December 10, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Magical Microcosmo

Hello friends,

I hope you have a magical Friday today. To add to the magic, I thought I'd post some lovely photos by Polish photographer Magda Wasiczek. Even though I love nature in general, I'm not a big fan of spiders and other creepy crawlies (as my husband can well attest to) but there is something about the way that she captures the world of the small that is simply magical to me. I feel like it's something out of Alice in Wonderland. 

You can see more beautiful examples of macro, animal, portrait and nature photography on Magda's official website

Have a lovely weekend!

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. Oh my goodness. These shots are unbelievably beautiful. Definitely something out of a fairy tale.

  2. Oh how magical! There's something about nature photography that's already magic, and her work here makes it even more so - thank you for sharing this!

  3. oh my...these are fantastic and so very lovely! it's amazing the beauty that can be captured with even the most unexpected things like bugs :) love it!!

  4. These are absolutely stunning photos. Wow! Happy Weekend!

  5. Hi Adrienne... thanks for being so lovely to say you'd put a button of my blog on yours... it was the push I needed to finally work out how to make one :) So it's done... you can find it on my sidebar. I've put your lovely button on my page too! Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
    Pip :) x


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