Friday, December 31, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - You're a Firework

Happy Friday and Happy New Years Eve!! Its so hard to believe this year is over. I don't know about you, but it flew for me. One of my favorite thing about New Years celebrations is the fireworks. There is always something so magical about them. All of a sudden everyone gets silent and just watches together the amazing displays of color and light, with the occasional oohs and ahhs or cheering. It makes us all stop for a moment and just enjoy the beauty. It synchronizes us together as we symbolically exit one year and enter another. Its a visual expression of the joy that we feel about another year lived and the excitement and hope of the upcoming year. Here are some favorite images of fireworks for your new years eve. I hope your upcoming year are as magical and bright as a firework.

Happy New Year!!

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. Happy New Year to you! Stumbled acrossed your blog recently and love it!

    Chas @ A Woman's Haven

  2. Fireworks are my FAVORITE! Thanks for posting the gorgeous pics and happy new year!

  3. Beyond beautiful pictures. Have an amazing NYE!! I'm a new follower. Love the blog :)

  4. Didn't see any fireworks last night so thanks for all these happy pics!
    happy new year!

  5. thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. i loved it. :) i hope only the very best to you for this new year. happy new years! have fun!!!

  6. Happy New Year to you and thanks for the pretty fireworks!!

  7. thank you for the comment/follow! Love this post, so fun!! Happy Hear year :)


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