Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bringing you A Whole Lotta Love and Peace in 2011

As you may know if you've been reading this blog for a while, I started two blogs called the Love Train and the Peace Train this fall. Well, recently I also expanded this onto a Tumblr site, which I find is even easier, especially for other people to submit their posts (which you can do even if you are not a Tumblr user). So, you can now get a Whole Lotta Love and Peace on the Love Train and the Peace Train on Tumblr as well.

As we enter 2011, my hope is that it will be a year for you focused on love and peace. When we have love and peace in our hearts, we are happy ourselves and it also brings happiness to others. I hope that you enjoy these sites, will submit posts, and share them with your friends. I don't make money from these blogs and I'm not concerned about simply having a lot of followers; I am doing this because my desire is that there be more love and peace in the world. Perhaps you may think this is a naive goal, but I know that by simply reading the posts that others have written and by focusing my own heart on love and peace I have already gained a great deal of both for myself as well.

Wishing You A Whole Lotta Love and Peace,


  1. stopping by your blog always fills my heart with happiness and reminds me of the GOOD that is in this world. that "letter to my future wife" is frame-worthy. seriously one of the most beautiful things i've read in a while. i can always count on you to put me in a good mood. thanks for what you do!

  2. Such wonderful and wise words to live by. Wishing you much peace, love and happiness in 2011!

  3. This makes me want a VW van. Peace and love back at you and happy new year!

  4. This post made me so incredibly happy- especially the love letter and picture of the old couple. Thanks for sharing and happy new year:-)


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