Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Relay of Friendship

Last week I received the baton of the Staffetta Dell'Amicizia (Frienship Relay) from the lovely Tanya at Taste of T. Her blog is always full of fun and interesting posts. She is a great blog-friend and always giving encouraging comments. There are so many people I would like to hand this baton to, but I think it would be fun to hand it off to  a few new friends and some newer blogs. I know when I was first blogging it was always nice when another blog gave a link to mine. Actually, its still nice. So, I hereby pass this on to:

Krystal at Village
Lindsay at Scenic Glory
Courtney at Vintch
Jennifer at JDavisSquared
Iris Jaye at Metaphors

Also, I was 'wiggled' today by Blair at Wild and Precious, who is having a wonderful giveaway.

And now to answer the questions: 

1. What did you first want to be when you grew up?
A pediatrician

2. What were your favorite cartoons?
Rainbow Bright, Transformers, Care Bears, Inspector Gadget

Rainbow Bright

3. Favorite childhood game?
Treasure hunts. My dad used to make up clues and put them all over the house and garden.


4. Most favorite birthday?
My 21st was fun... not because I was drinking, but because I travelling in Guatemala during Semana de Santa (Easter) (everyone dresses up and they make these amazing sand patterns on the ground that they later march through). It was awesome.


5. Something you've always wanted to do and haven't done yet?
Experience zero gravity

A Marriage Made In Zero Gravity
(This wedding was done at zero gravity. How crazy is that!)

6. What was your first love?
God (still is)

7.First musical idol?
Julie Andrews (I was a bit of a musical geek)

8. Favorite gift?
The love of my husband

9. If a theme song played for you everywhere you went, what would it be?
Toss up between Beach Boys 'Good Vibrations' or Tom Cochrane's 'Life is a Highway'

10. Favorite city to visit:

Thats a hard one because I travel a lot, but I really liked Hvar, Croatia.

I hope you enjoyed learning these little tid-bits about me. I'd love to hear if any of these things are similar with you... or if want to share your answers to these questions as well. 

Good Vibrations,


  1. Awww, thank you so much for the friendship baton! It's been so nice "meeting" you :) :) And that is so cute about your dad and the treasure hunts, I think I'll need to do that with my future kids for sure!

  2. thank you so much for this awesome friendship baton. you have no idea how much it is appreciated. i love this post as well...rainbow bright was my fav too.

    the picture you have from guatemala is pretty and colorful! have a lovely day ♥

  3. Thank you so much for passing this on! Aww, that is very sweet. And how lovely to learn more about you. I especially love the picture of you two - such happiness :) The Rainbow Brite was genius, gave me fun flashbacks - thank you!

  4. this makes my day! i'm so excited to receive the friendship baton! my blog is still very new and for you to recognize me like this is such a blessing to my day:) i look forward to answering all the questions-yours were fabulous. that zero gravity wedding is amazing! <3 you rock!

  5. You're so sweet! Thanks so much for including me! :)

  6. oh, hi, i haven't met you yet but i stumbled over here and i am so glad. your blog is awesome.

    life is a highway was my jam growing up. love it.

    i am so off to explore more of your wonderful blog! congrats on your wiggle! isn't it fun?

  7. What a beautiful list!
    Julie Andrews is one of my idol!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh gosh. Thank you! Thank you! Haha. Receiving this friendship baton feels much like receiving a Grammy Award. Or maybe even better. Haha.

    Have a great weekend! (:

  9. Amazing list :) I love treasure hunts and care bears too! Lovely blog you have.

    - the runaway

  10. This was such a blast to read! Your blog is such a fun & an uplifting place to visit!!

    P.S. I've got you on my blogroll.

  11. Aaw, thank you so much for the friendship baton! What a great way to start my Friday!

    It's also very nice to learn a bit more about you and I love the picture of you and your hubby - you two look super cute together :)

    Have an amazing weekend!

  12. I'm so honored! thank you for passing on this baton of friendship! it is much appreciated :)

    i do love comments {who doesn't} and i'm hopeful to continue my adventure into the 'blogging' world!

    and i echo a few of the others comments with i also look forward to getting to know you more! thanks for sharing that list!


Lovely comments are always appreciated. Thanks for stopping by!