Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Love Train Takes Off...

In my last post I announced the start of a new blog, A Love Train. I've been encouraged by all your feedback and the fact that two people have already written posts! 

Yesterday was Tanya from a Taste of T, with her hilarious commentary on the things she loves... especially on boots! 

Today, in order to keep up the momentum, I thought I'd post here what Iris Jaye wrote. She is only seventeen, but wrote an amazing post on love that I wanted to make sure you all saw. 

Six Things I Know About Love

Iris Jaye from Metaphors joined A Love Train. Here is what she wrote:

I'm not the expert on love. But for my age, I believe I've seen and felt plenty. I don't want to write about myself and my stories. Instead, I've decided to write six things I know about love.


1. Love is everything. We live because of love; because we love, and because we want to be loved. It can be your family, your friends, your special one, your hobby, your work, that book you're reading, that chocolate you're eating.

We live simply because there is something we love which makes us happy. And while there is still something to love, there is still something to live for.

2. Love doesn't hurt. Most people think it does, what with all the heart-break and rejection we witness. But it isn't love that hurts, it's the absence of it. When someone lies or cheats, or when chooses someone else over you, it hurts not because there's love in your heart, but because there's less love in theirs.

Love isn't what breaks our hearts; the truth is, it's what heals our hearts.

Think chocolate.

3. Love isn't just romance. Romance is romance. Love is a phenomenon. Romance is what you do and how you feel; love becomes the very life that you live. It's not just the person you're going to marry someday, the person on your mind all the time, or the person you spent all night crying over.

Love is also the family and friends who are there on your wedding day, the ones who always listen when you're talking all about your crush, the ones who bring the ice cream and hugs over when you need it most.

4. Love changes everything. It changes the things you do, because you want your loved ones to be a part of it. Read a book everyday. Can't start the day without coffee. Texting goodnight before you sleep. It changes the person you are, because the people and things you love become a part of you.

Learning to love someone or something usually turns them into a priority: the most important thing in our lives.

5. Love is beautiful. It always is. If you don't find it beautiful, it's because you're not in the presence of that same love. Some love art, others don't give a second glance. Some couples share everything, others think that's suffocating. But if it's love, it's always beautiful.

It's always worth writing songs and stories about, painting pictures about, thinking about and talking about. Love is worth saving, because love is what saves the world every day.

6. Love is real. When they say that love is a fairy tale, we automatically think it's imaginary, unreal or non-existent. I believe that love being a fairy tale actually means that it happens, just not in the way we expect it to. It's not the things that we hear as children or see in the movies, because those things end. But real-life fairy tales, and real-life love, last.

And if you're even reading these words, I know you believe me.

To be included on A Love Train, just write a post and leave your url on either the comments of this blog or on A Love Train. You are not limited to only writing once, so don't feel like you have to write everything you love in one amazing blog. It could just be one or two things. This is a great way for you as a blogger to connect with other blogs and I'm sure it doesn't hurt your google rankings either to have more blogs link to yours :) Just a thought. Hope you'll join in!

Oh, and the winner of the signed first edition giveaway was Christine Taylor. Congratulations!

A Whole Lotta Love,



  1. love your blog! and yes, you're totally welcome to use my latest post on "a peace train" :) thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love this love train! Also, I left you an award on my bloggy blog:


  3. Wow, that is such a beautiful post! Seriously!

  4. i LOVE ;) this love train blog idea--such a great way to really expose yourself and just think of fun things that bring you joy

    one thing i love is when people direct me to great links such as the link you directed me to about biblophilias

    the sign I loved the most?

    reason 22. You own a cat, a grand selection of tea and/or coffee, an all-purpose tote bag for shopping, a knitting habit or some combination thereof.

    For some reason, every passionate literary connoisseur inevitably possesses one or more of those 4 items. Nobody knows why. Not even science.

  5. What a beautiful beautiful post. I love how expansive love can be, and that a younger person can capture it just as wonderfully as an older one :) Thank you so much for dropping by today via awesome Taste of T :) I love meeting new bloggers and thrilled it led me to your beautiful blog!

  6. P.S. I'm your newest follower! :)


Lovely comments are always appreciated. Thanks for stopping by!