Friday, November 12, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Jump for Joy

One reason I love autumn is because I love jumping in the leaves (yes, adults can do this too). I am also loving these amazing jumping photos. I've read a  couple of blogs this week that said they were down, confused, or stressed out. Maybe its the onset of the cold weather. Whenever I get like that, I like to put on some upbeat music and literally jump around. Warming up the body and changing your position can completely change your attitude to. So, I hope these pictures inspire you... and see the end for a little music inspiration as well.

Check out the following video too! This is a video of one of the 8 prison facilities in the Philippines who are now adopting a very unusual and non-violent approach to rehabilitation and exercise. You may have seen the 'thriller' video in the past, but now there are many more. I promise, it will make you smile.

Also, here's my Youtube exercise playlist. Its totally old school music, but there's nothing better to get me off my butt and get me jumping. (Hint: you might not want to play this if you're at the office... or maybe you do :) )


  1. Great selection of images! I have been to Kenya and seen the Masai people do their jumping dance and it is nothing less that impressive how high they can jump from a standstill!!

    Wish you a lovely weekend :)

  2. These are SO good for being cheered up, I love them!

  3. So much fun!
    The happy happy jumping pictures are making me want to go run or do something fun!
    [or maybe even take pictures of people running?]

    This is so great. Thanks!

  4. I love these! The Masai jumping one is amazing, and of course I love that first one with the lovely ocean and beach :) Thanks for this injection of happy today! (I think you're right about colder weather giving people the blues.)

  5. I love your blog. These photos are great. We love to jump too...

    Happy Weekend!


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