Friday, June 18, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Vineyard Love

My husband and I planted almost 250 little grape plants yesterday in the probably naive hope of having a little vineyard at our home. It would be awesome if we could make any decent wine, but I'm just hoping for it to look pretty at this point. In celebration and hopes for our vines, I thought I'd share some beautiful vineyard photos today. 

This is one I took when we were in Champagne, France. It's obviously nowhere as nice a pic as the others, but I still think its pretty.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Oh, I think yours is the prettiest! I always love photos of the countryside.
    Come visit my inspiration board at!

  2. Gorgeous pictures as usual.... I love Fridays on your blog : )

  3. Such wonderful images of beautiful vineyards.We don't have many vineyards in the UK but, in the south of England there are quite a few and they do produce some really nice wine.
    My friend hs a vine that produces the sweetest grapes so, I'm sure that yours will do really well.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my giveaway post. I'm sorry if I've neglected you but, it is so difficult to comment on everyone's blogs. I seem to be on the computer 24/7 as it is !!!!
    Have a lovely new week. XXXX


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