Sunday, June 20, 2010

Born To Be Wild... Wild about my Dad!

This morning I went for a motorcycle ride with the best dad in the world (you may think that is your dad.. but that title actually belongs to mine... well that's my opinion anyway). On the radio as I drove to my parents (a few minutes away) was the song Born to Be Wild, which as you might know is the theme song from the movie Easy Rider. Anyway, I thought that was just perfect... just like my dad :)  

He took me on an awesome drive on some back roads to Shelburne Falls, MA, where we had breakfast. We randomly ran into one of my dad's best friends and his daughter (also out for a motorcycle ride) and we all went to the bridge of flowers together. Then we all drove a bit together and we headed back home. 

Yesterday we also went for a drive together.. my husband and I in the car and my parents on the bike. We drove up towards Queechee, VT where they were having a balloon festival, and we also went to Woodstock and some other lovely towns. 

I love spending time with my dad. I really couldn't have wished for a better father. He's the kind of dad who will randomly call my name and when I answer he just says "Have I told you that I love you today?" He's always given me so much love... and I know that's why I now have so much to give :)

high school graduation

in Rockport, MA during my college days

college graduation

my wedding

grad school graduation

Christmas a few years ago, with my sister

I love you dad!! Happy Father's Day!


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