Sunday, September 11, 2011


Stories are so important aren't they? We grow up reading stories, making up stories, and perhaps even writing our own stories. If you are like me, that's one reason that I like to blog and like to read other people's blogs. We all have our own stories and blogging is one way to share those stories with the world.

Another way to tell stories and hear another person's story is through music. I am such a lover of music. Although times of silence are nice too, there are rarely moments in my life when I do not have some kind of music around me... whether it be listening to other people's creations or making music myself, even if it be humming a tune in my head. There are so many stories over the years that I have forgotten, but I hardly ever forget the words to a song once I learn it. Its like once those words are put to music, the message is permanently etched in my mind (which was a great tool for studying in grad school, I'll tell you that!). And that is another reason that I love to listen to good music with a great message... and why I am so excited to tell you about what I'm currently listening to. Its the new album by Heatherlyn called Storydwelling.

If you aren't familiar with her music, Heatherlyn is an acoustic soul roots singer song artist from Minneapolis MN, selected as a Midwest Regional Finalist and awarded the Midwest “People’s Choice” of NPR’s Mountain Stage Performance Contest. Her soulful, honest voice resonates with people from many various walks of life. In Concert, Heatherlyn leads participants on a refreshing journey of connection – from whimsical laughter together to deeper thoughtfulness about life and love, considering how we each are conduits of peace and hope in our world.

In her words, "Storydwelling is about cultivating courageous and compassionate curiosity for each other by deeply listening to and authentically sharing our stories with one another, thereby healing ourselves and our world. Storydwelling, the album, is a collection of songs from our shared human story, deeply personal songs from my story, and songs with imagination for the story we will write together with our lives... "

One of my favorite songs is number five on the album and its called "Be the Love". This is what she has to say about it:
Inspired by Gandhi's famous quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world"; this song is a reflection of what I would like to BE in the world. What we do matters. How we BE when we're doing what we do matters more. Our presence in this world, how we carry ourselves with kindness, how we express ourselves with respect, how we live with authenticity and demonstrate with our feet the values of which we speak through our mouths - these will effect more positive change than good action alone.

"...Be the healing for the orphan born with AIDS, be the strength -- a neighbor's burden raise, be the star that guides us through this haze, be the love."

Well, I'll let her music speak for itself.

To read more about the album, there is a great review in the Huffington Post. The CD will be officially released on sites such as iTunes and Amazon on September 13th. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

PS. Heatherlyn is also a blogger! :)

A Whole Lotta Love and Music,


  1. i agree! a story is very much in music and i love all kinds of it! it's just soothing and a daily need! i will be scoping her out:) haven't heard her before---thanks pretty lady, hope all is well!

  2. Lovely blog!

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