Sunday, July 3, 2011

Red, White, and Blue Goodness

One of my favorite things about the 4th of July is the freedom to make (and eat) all kinds of wonderful  foods and desserts. There are so many fresh berries right now... and isn't it convenient that they come in lovely reds and blues?? And how wonderful is it that whipped creams and cream cheeses are white? Its just perfect for the 4th! Here are some great red, white, and blue food ideas to spark up your Independence Day.

via A Whole Lotta 4th of July

Do I have you salivating yet?

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. happy 4th pretty lady! i agree, having the freedom to eat and do what we wish=amazing! enjoy!:)

  2. These are awesome! I love the pie made to look like a flag the most!

    Wishing you a lovely day!


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