Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Funny Face

I don't know if you're like me... but I see faces everywhere I go. There's something about human nature that makes us want to animate or anthropomorphize inanimate objects. My tub drain particularly freaks me out. Its always staring at me when I take a bath :P

I've seen pictures like these before.. but I hadn't realizes until just now that there is a whole blog devoted to it! I should have known... there's a blog for pretty much everything these days. Its' been around for a while, but if you haven't heard of it, its called Faces in Places. Here are a few that I thought I'd share. They just make me smile.

face (167) in a tub of ice cream


Brit Facin' Prison


Bin face

Faces In Places

I love this commercial too!

PS. I'm watching the movie Funny Face right now (as part of my resolution to watch every Audrey Hepburn movie), which I just realized is a bit ironic - as that was not the reason I was doing this post.

A Whole Lotta Funny Faces,


  1. Faces jump out at me too! There's one on our shower tiles, which is kind of freaky! :P

  2. I love that concept, and I haven't even seen that blog!

  3. What a fun blog to have- awesome photos!

  4. these are awesome! I see faces everywhere too. It's funny how they all have a personality too!

  5. love this! puts a smile on my face for sure :) I hopped on over here from the Southern Hostess...and I'm glad I did! You have a lovely space :)

  6. Very good observations. Maybe adding some pictures is likely to make the blog post more intriguing.
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