Friday, January 21, 2011

Favorite Foto Friday - Sisters

Tomorrow is my sister's 30th birthday! Its hard to believe. She's in India right now and travelling the world for the next 11 months, so I won't get to see her until next November, which is definitely the longest period of time that we've ever gone without seeing one another. It was just the two of us girls growing up and we are only 20 months apart, so it was great to have a sister like her who was a friend as well. We were always playing together - imagination games, dances and musicals, dress up, and scavenger hunts. Of course, we did have our little fights at times, but then we always made up. She is one of the most hilarious people I know. She can do pretty much any accent in the world and tells the greatest stories... and I'm sure she'll come home with many more accents and many more stories from this trip. She really should be a comedian or an actress. Anyway, here are some photos of us through the years.

You can see she's a comedian from this pic... wearing Mr. Potato Head glasses :)

Aren't we sweet?

Yikes. This one is a bit embarrassing, but I think its funny in our pink snow suits.

Playing with dolls

In the garden

A few years later... at the lake.

At my graduation

My wedding - and my maid of honor!

Still playing dress up even as adults

My 'little' sister shot up to be taller than me :)

On my 'ski-lift to no-where' on our property

Still playing around

Never quite serious

We are sisters for life

And here's a fun little video of the Sisters song from White Christmas :)

I love you!
A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. This is so sweet- how fun that your sister is travelling the world, but so hard for you to be away, I am sure! You two seem really close!

  2. a few things about this post:
    1 - I have a sister just 20 months younger than me as well! :) And she makes me laugh like no other too!
    2 - Mr. Potato head day was just made 10x better :)
    3 - I adore that doll house!
    4 - How fun to have a "ski-lift-to-no-where" on your property :)
    5 - Loved the group of polaroids.

    And do both of you have laptops or computers with cameras?...I just had a video chat with my mom & sisters yesterday through google. Maybe you 2 could try it while she's away :) Here's the link:

    sorry so long :)

  3. happy birthday to your sister! I have 2 and being with them is my favorite thing ever!

  4. I think that I would never tire of looking at people's old pics. I love shared memories. :)

    These are all so cute. And what a special relationship you two have!!

    I also love the song, although I didn't click play...I know it would get stuck in my head until next Christmas. HA. ;)

  5. What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing the gorgeous family shots, i think the snow suit one was my favourite :P

    I hope your sister has a very happy birthday ♥

  6. oh wow * u have know idea how much I LOVED reading this post :) my sissy's b-day was yesterday too, her 29th * I'm the oldest of 3 girls & have 3 ladies of my own (6 & under) ... my post this morn was dedicated to sista's *

    so wild the peeps we bump into in the bloggy world with neat-o commonalities *

    happy sunday ~ ur newest follower :)

  7. You two are adorable! This is such a sweet post. I love all the poloroids at the end!

  8. absolutely LOVE the "Sister's" song. my baby sister and i sang it during her senior year in high school - one of her final performances. definitely gotta love sisters!

  9. Ah - too cute! My sister was my maid of honor too! There's nothing like having an amazing sister to count on.

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