Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Amid the Falling Snow

We've had the most amazing amount of snow today... and its still coming down! I love it when it snows. Everything is so peaceful and quiet and it seems like the whole world is blanketed in white.

This is one of my favorite songs to play on snowy days such as this one.

And some of my favorite images

The Snow
by Emily Dickinson

It sifts from leaden sieves,
It powders all the wood,
It fills with alabaster wool
The wrinkles of the road.

It makes an even face
Of mountain and of plain, --
Unbroken forehead from the east
Unto the east again.

It reaches to the fence,
It wraps it, rail by rail,
Till it is lost in fleeces;
It flings a crystal veil

On stump and stack and stem, --
The summer's empty room,
Acres of seams where harvests were,
Recordless, but for them.

It ruffles wrists of posts,
As ankles of a queen, --
Then stills its artisans like ghosts,
Denying they have been.

Have a Lovely Wednesday!

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. Ohhh I love that first winter one! And I had forgotten about Enya, totally. I used to like them a lot - so it's fun to hear again :)

  2. I love her poems! Thank for sharing and loving the snow too!


  3. I love the poems, the pictures, and ENYA! I love this post :) Beautiful all around.


  4. I love this song...and perfect pictures..


  5. Wow! Thank you for all the uplifting photos and words. I especially love the Hebrews verse about motivating eachother in acts of love and good works. xx

  6. What a lovely post Adrienne! I haven't been here in much too long! I've missed it so! I hope you're doing well and enjoying your snow!

  7. absolutely beautiful! love photos of snowy winters. just don't love living in them! hehehe

  8. Absolutely beautiful photos, beautiful Enya song and beautiful poem.

    Makes me wish even more that it wasn't the middle of summer here!

  9. Those pictures are so stunning, especially to those of of who haven't seen snow in ages! Thanks for posting these!


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