Friday, December 17, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - White Christmas

Hello friends,

I hope that you have had a marvelous week and that your weekend is even better. I can’t believe Christmas is only eight days away. How December flies! Today, I’m dreaming and hoping for a white Christmas. We’ve had a little snow here and there, but I’ve decided to post a few photos today for inspiration… just in case mother nature needs a little reminding here in New England. I hope you enjoy these too! J 

Have a wonderful Friday. 

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. these pictures are absolutely beatiful and definitely get be into the holiday spirit ♥ i'm hoping for a beautiful white christmas here in lincoln....please please please!!

  2. Beautiful pictures! We don't get snow here so it's nice to see some and dream!

  3. This is a "whole lotta" stunning images! Wow!

  4. Everything about your blog is SO beautiful! Proud new follower;-)

  5. Wow! I love those pictures. I sure am dreaming of a white Christmas, but looks like thats not going to happen here! I love your Friday posts!

  6. That first photo is so incredibly beautiful, it made me shiver!


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