Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Christmas Giveaway to All

In celebration of the Christmas spirit, I want to offer that anyone who would like to advertise on my blog can do so for free for the entire month of December. If you have a store or etsy shop, I would love to give you the opportunity to share what you do or make with others. I know that this time of year can be often so commercial, but I do like to support small businesses or people who are making hand-made items. 

The only thing I ask is that you write a post for either the Love Train or the Peace Train (which could also be thought of as free advertising for you as well) and to share about it on your blog. You don't need to be a follower of any of my blogs, but if you are, than I will put your advertisement towards the top, as I do want to thank you for your friendship. Advertisement badges need to be smaller than 150pixel width and 100 height. I don't know how much interest there will be in this, but I will say that I will have to limit this to the first fifty people, since this is open to ANYONE. Also, if for some reason I feel like there is something inappropriate, I will also have discretion there. So, if you are interested, just leave a comment with a link to the post you have written or email me at

Also, I wanted to share with you my Youtube Christmas playlist. I have put together 200 songs, which I hope you enjoy. I know that there are always Christmas songs playing on the radio at this time of year, but I personally enjoy not having to listen to 'Santa Baby' twice in one hour. There is also little or no advertising interruptions, which is also a bonus. 

I love this cozy Christmas scene, don't you? 

Have a wonderful Thursday!

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. I'm so excited for your playlist!!!

  2. Sigh, such a wonderful cozy Christmas scene. And how sweet you are to offer the free advertising to those shops (excited for your playlist too!)

  3. Lovely Adrienne... I've spent a lot of time checking out all your new stuff... a lot of fun.

    Your lovely Xmas offer inspired me to a post.... a thought I'd had previously about a metaphor for love.

  4. This is a lovely idea. I love how Christmas always makes people feel generous and helpful :) x

  5. so sad i missed this! i've been so busy, and i'm so behind!


Lovely comments are always appreciated. Thanks for stopping by!