Monday, December 6, 2010

The Ade Braid or 'Whip My Hair'

I love having long hair, but I also love putting it up, especially in the summer. One summer, probably ten years ago, I started just twisting my hair and clipping it up with clips or bobby pins. I loved the way it looked and I loved the way that it stayed up so neatly. I could hike all day and my hair would still look exactly as it had in the morning. I began doing it fairly often, and one of my friends coined it the ‘Ade Braid’ (since my name is Adrienne, I often have friends who shorten it to Ade, Adge, or just A). 

I often get compliments when my hair is up like this. When I was in New York City one day this year, one person even snapped a few photos of it. Anyway, I’m surprised that I have never seen anyone doing anything like this. Maybe they have and I’m just not in the fashion world enough, but just in case anyone wants to ever try this, I thought I’d include a few how-to photos. I was visiting my sister this weekend with my mother and she snapped a few photos this morning as I was getting ready. Even though it looks fairly complex, it only takes 10-15 minutes. Sometimes I can even do it in around 5 if I don't do as many twists.

 I usually do this with wet hair, often because I've just gotten out of the shower... but I also find that it holds tighter when you start off with wetter hair. My hair wasn't wet this morning, but I did wet it down a bit before I started. To achieve this look, you simply take a strand of hair, twist it as shown in the picture and then clip it up on top of your head. 

Here, I've shown a few strands done. Sometimes I just leave it like this too, which is also a cute look. 

You then just continue to twist and clip. 

And then finish by putting bobby pins over any loose hairs. 

That's it. How easy was that? And it doesn't have to be perfect. That's the idea. It's kind of a unique and messy look that you can do every day or even for a special occasion. 

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and that you try it out some time. 

This post is part of Much Love Monday, so here is my heart. If you thought my hair was twisted and whipped up, Willow Smith's hair is crazier. By the way, how crazy is it that this ten-year-old's single, 'Whip My Hair' reached #11 on the charts! I guess when you have the parents she does, you're bound to have both talent and connections.

Have a lovely Monday filled with Much Love! 

A Whole Lotta Love,


  1. LOVE this! You are super talented, lovely lady:) It looks so fabulous on you and so pretty and soft as well. I'll have to give this a try. I'm always looking for things to do with my hair, and this could be just the thing!

  2. Wow you have some patience ....
    and its so creative I love it

  3. It's so interesting from the back and just gorgeous from the front! And my do you have some beautiful long locks! Love this post dear!

  4. Fun, fun fun! And, love your camera. You look like you're posing for a vintage ad!


  5. What a cool hairstyle and idea! I like the part about hiking and it will look the same, haha :)
    And yes, Willow Smith is just crazy. It will be interesting to see how she turns out as a teenager :)

  6. this is so lovely! it looks fantastic on you!!! my hair is pretty short now (i'm actually growing it out again yay!!), but i would love to do something like this too. having something stay put all day is a definite plus.

    unbelievable that it takes only 10-15 minutes...amazing!! and so worth it!! :)

  7. Oh my gosh, this is so lovely and totally unique! I love that you probably get a slightly different look each time :) Willow Smith is indeed on crazy kid, and it'll be interesting to watch how she grows!

    (Btw, did a post back in Sep, but because of job changes as of this Fall, my S.O. and I are going to hopefully spend more months each year in the States - I'm excited about it! I still have to go b/w East Coast and London sometimes, but it'll be nice change to not spend so many dark winter months in London, where the sun sets midday -eek!).

  8. Very unique! Some days I wish my hair was still long so I could do fun stuff to my hair too. Cute!

  9. You're too cute! You make me really miss my long hair!

  10. i loved doing this to my hair....i twisted my girls hair when they were smaller and i used to put it in small clips...forget the real braiding...ur so cute!

  11. I love it, it looks so cute and quirky (always difficult to get 'cute' when you have long hair, I think).

    I'm so not a fan of that Willow. Can't do the pretentious tweenie thing. Ugh. x

  12. Very pretty and so unique!


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