Friday, November 5, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - November Rain

The last few days have been rainy and dreary around here.. but that doesn't mean you can't find beauty in the rain. I was inspired to find a few beautiful rain photos to share for today...

Just let it rain by ~james [MOVED TO IAMWITHOUTSHOES]

"Rained down couple" by Sion Fullana (iPhoneographer in NYC)

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. by .I Travel East.

And for a bonus, a blast from the past - Guns N' Roses 'November Rain'


  1. Fun post, I love the rain! That picture of the droplets on the leaf is stunning!Have a great weekend!

  2. Hmmm, I'm not sure if my last comment worked, but all I said was, I love rain!!! It's my fave :)

  3. What beautiful images....I, too, love the rain. I like dancing in it, splashing in puddles, and that lovely fresh smell after the rain.
    Many thanks for your lovely comment over at mine.
    Have a lovely weekend. XXXX

  4. The images are breathtaking!! I adore being at home watching movies during a cold rain....and have a pot of loaded potato soup on the stove gurgling. :)


  5. Your blog is just lovely! I hope you'll come visit me too!

  6. rain can be so soothing sometimes, i love that first photo!

  7. i am most def a fan of the rain! give me some wellingtons and an umbrella and i will be right outside with those beautiful droplets. ;) excellent thanks for the post!


Lovely comments are always appreciated. Thanks for stopping by!