Friday, October 1, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - You can call me Al

As you may know by now, I love randomly stumbling onto blogs.. and that is especially true when it comes to photography blogs. I found Al's Photography Blog this week and thought I'd share some of my favorites from his posted photography. He lives in Colorado, so many of his photos are from that area. There is an incredible photo of lightning that struck right near his house. Thats what I call always being camera ready! If lighting were that close to me, I'd be cowering under a bed somewhere. Anyway, hope you enjoy his work and go check out his blog.





  1. That lightning shot is amazing! Talk about capturing something at just the right moment!

  2. Thanks for featuring my blog today. I think you picked a great selection of photos!

  3. these pictures are amazing... that lightening one is incredible!

  4. wow, that lightening one is intense!! these are all great!
    loving your blog :)


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