Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love, Eat some more...

The last few weeks I have been in Italy! Don't you just love scheduled posts? You probably never guessed I was gone :) Anyway, we just returned, with lots of memories and a few extra pounds as well! I was just going through some of my thousands of pictures and thought I'd share some lovely food photos. One thing I love about travelling is eating and seeing all kinds of produce that is locally grown and made. Of all the countries I've been to, Italy definitely lives up to its reputation for good food and the way that the people savor and appreciate it as well. I'm salivating just reliving it through the photos...


  1. makes me hungry! love your photos!

    peace. love. create.

  2. Welcome home! Your photos are divine. Looks like you had a wonderful trip!


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