Sunday, September 19, 2010

A little Sunday Surfing

Sunday afternoons can be a nice time to just relax and stumble upon some interesting things on the web. Here are some fun things I discovered today and thought I'd share with you. Enjoy!

Interesting paintings by Rosemarie Fiore

"Firework Drawings" These large works on paper are made by exploding and containing live fireworks, resulting in bursts of saturated color that are overlaped and collaged into abstract compositions.

* Insightful article on How to Get Lucky

* Some of the most creative baby pictures I've ever seen: Mila's Daydreams

(Thanks Lady Grey for this)

* Amazing gardens at the Château of Vaux-le-Vicomte

(Thanks to Content in a Cottage for this)

* Some awesome Jewelry for the Book Lover

* A creative wedding gift or something to make with your significant other :)

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