Friday, September 24, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Beauty in the Decay

I love old rusty things... or at least taking pictures of them. I love the chipping paint, the colors that show through and the interesting patterns that emerge. This summer I stumbled upon these old rusty cars by the side of the road, some covered in wonderful old vines. I immediately told my husband to stop the car and grabbed the camera. Usually for 'favorite foto friday' I feature other people's photos... but I just thought I'd share these with you today, as they are some of my favorites. These are not photoshopped at all... just the wonderful patina of the rust and old paint. Hope you like them!

If you would like to be featured on my 'favorite foto friday' spot, please let me know. I am always looking to spread the word or highlight new or established photographers :)

Happy Friday!


  1. me too! love rustic anythings:) enjoy the weekend!

  2. Love your blog, love the photos! Your work is stunning, and I especially love the before/after pictures of your rennovations... great job :)

    Tracey @ Inspire Me Photography

  3. I LOVE these! The texture, the color, all of it!

  4. Your photos are GORGEOUS! I adore that close-up shot of the rust, it's stunning!
    Have a great weekend : )

  5. These are spectacular photos, so well composed and shot. Too many people think they can Photoshop their way into great photos, but they'd be better off learning how to compose like this first!

  6. In love with your blog. You write simple yet keep us all engaged in your reading. Thats what I actually like about you. Keep writing!


Lovely comments are always appreciated. Thanks for stopping by!