Thursday, August 12, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Wedding Photo Booth

I'm planning on doing a photo booth for my friend's wedding next month. I've never been to a wedding where they have done this, but it seems to be all the rage these days. I think it will be so much fun! Plus there's nothing like a few props to break down barriers and get some laughs. Its a great way for the bride and groom to get some wonderful photos of their guests as well. Anyway, I thought I'd share some fun photos that I've found on the web.

There are also some great ones here. If anyone has any other good sites for inspiration, send them my way :)

I'm off to another wedding this weekend as well. The bride is Indian and the family is vegetarian and from a dry state (no alcohol). The groom is from Vermont and well, the wedding is being held at a winery and there will definitely be alcohol. The food will be half vegetarian and half catered from a great BBQ place in the area. Only in America! Should be an interesting wedding :)

Anyway, hope these photos made you smile! Happy Friday.


  1. I want a photo booth whenever i have a wedding, I think they are the coolest. :)

    That is a strange mix. Shold be very interesting

  2. This is a dangerously cute idea...
    Because now, I want to get married so I can do this. See that ? Dangerous, yet adorable I tell you !
    ahh ha ha ha !!

  3. oh my goodness! my bf got married a few weeks back and they had one at their wedding. it was DEFINITELY the highlight!

    check out (-:



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