Friday, July 16, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - My summer

I'm not trying to be vain, but I wanted to share some of my favorite photos that I've taken over the last few weeks for today's 'Favorite Foto Friday'. I think I'm allowed... its my blog after all. I love taking photos and playing around with editing them a bit... even though I don't get time to do that much. These ones I did tinker with a little in Picnik. I think thats allowed too. ♥ Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Happy Friday!


  1. Wow you take lovely photos! I especially like the two with the water elements. The waterfall is breathtaking... The haystacks and paintbrush pictures are both very artsy.

    Very nice

  2. This are absolutely amazing. I am so jealous because my talent is nowhere near yours. WOW!!!

  3. Holy moly did you take all these? Gorgeous!!!
    Wherever that first waterfall is.... that's where I want to be!

  4. Sooo pretty! I love the haybails. So organized, and so vermont!



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