Friday, July 23, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Celebrating Independence

Where has July gone? It seems like it was the fourth just the other day. I love these red, white, and blue photos. So, even though its way past the fourth, independence should always be in style - no matter what country you come from... so here's to independence!

I don't have the links to the original photos and I didn't make this lovely collage.. but you can get to the individual photos by going to the source.
Ropey Boaty Stripey Mosaic by ZedBee | Zoƫ Power.


  1. Gorgeous picks:) I love red! Time flies by and this time I can't wait because M comes home the first week of August. Then I will wish it'll stand still again for a moment:) xoxo

    enjoy babe

  2. Oh, Adrienne, that's a lovely assortment of photos. I'm really digging the contrasts of last one. Did you assemble that?

    This is my first visit and I'm all a flutter looking at the photos down the left side. You have got the EYE for beauty, girl.

    <3 Lauren


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