Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Old Friends... and New

A few days ago I got together with three of my best girlfriends from college. We try to do this once a year, which is a fantastic way to stay connected. Facebook, email, and phone are fine, but being together in person is really what it's all about! Each of them have two kids each, while I'm still not quite ready to jump on that bandwagon. I absolutely love playing with other people's kids though... and its fun to get to know these little personalities too as they grow and develop from year to year. 

I thought I'd also include a little stroll down memory lane. 
Sorry for the bad scans (from the pre-digital days).

After seeing these girls I stopped and saw another friend who I've know since 2nd grade... and her two girls, who I also have a blast with. These photos were from a few weeks ago when they came here for the Strolling of the Heifers parade

How about you? Anyone else out in blog-world have a tradition of getting together with elementary school, high school, or college friends?


  1. I love to see these photos ... it confirms what I've always felt - that old friends are the best. New blog friends are pretty cool, too, but I have 3 dear friends who I get together for a lovely dinner at a fancy restaurant once or twice a year. We sit for hours and hours and laugh like I've never laughed before, and I absolutely adore them. Such a lovely post!

  2. Being on the internet/phone is def. not the same...we need these people in our lives on a daily basis and since we live so far, getting together a couple times a year is so very is too short to miss the growth of these precious people;) looked amazing and enjoyable:) xoxo

  3. Nice photos of the past and present! Looks like you have a wonderful circle of friends, and it's so great that you make time to get together.

    I have been pretty bad about getting together with old friends, but I would like to reconnect with them again soon.


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