Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Love Love (Tennis Love that is)

We're currently in the process of putting in a clay tennis court. Its exciting to see how it is taking shape and how a once empty field is being transformed. We are also putting in a small vineyard next to it and were digging the holes for our little plants today (more on this later). We always seem to have so many projects going at once.

One thing I want to do next to the court is to put a nice pergola with climbing roses. We also need to figure out our fencing and I am thinking about planting some climbing roses all along these as well.

Here are some photos that I had downloaded for inspiration. I'm not sure where they all came from since I've been kind of randomly planning and thinking about this. Anyway, here they are for your viewing pleasure and to help me stay organized.

Fun Fact:

Why is a score of zero in tennis called "love"?

"Love" is generally taken as being derived from the French "l"oeuf", the egg, symbolising nothing. The term "love" can also be said to come from the English phrase "neither for love nor for money", indicating nothing. (Taken from the book entitled The Guinness Book of Tennis Facts and Feats and Fifteen Love).


  1. What? That is so cool. The hubs and I got into tennis in Cali but we dont have a court here. Must find one.

  2. Love the inspiration!!
    That is awesome that you're building a tennis court!
    I'm an avid tennis player!

    We were going to do a tennis court in our backyard and somehow ended up with a trampoline instead.

    Have a lovely day!


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