Monday, June 28, 2010

Color My World and A Trip to Tirana, Albania...

I was just over at 'Yes and Yes' and she posted this great video (below) about the Let's Colour Project. As you can see from my blog, I am all about color and I love this idea.

Grey is out. Gloom is gone. It’s time to live our lives in colour.

The Let’s Colour Project is a worldwide initiative from Dulux, Dulux Valentine, Coral and Marshall to transform grey spaces with colourful paint. A mission to spread colour all over the world.

We are working together with local communities across the globe, rolling up our sleeves to paint streets, houses, schools and squares.

It’s the beginning of a colour movement that everyone can join in.

It reminded me of when I was in Tirana, Albania a few years ago. Tirana’s mayor, Edi Rama, was once a painter and it is said that one of the first things he did as mayor was to order paint. He then called to transform the city's grey Stalinist block housing into a patchwork of bright colors.

It may not necessarily be something you want to do to your house, but it's definitely lively and much better than drab grey. I'll tell you something too...the people in Tirana were some of the friendliest I've ever met. At one point we couldn't find our way out of the city and one person actually told us he'd show us the way and drove ahead of us for miles to lead us out. Now the mayor just needs to work on road signs!

Here are a few more photos I found from the web:


Love it? Hate it? Well... at least it can't be ignored...!


  1. What gorgeous buildings! I'd love to see more of those here at home ;)

  2. I really love when buildings have character like that : )

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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