Friday, May 14, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - At the Carnival

I recently discovered Melanie Alexandra Photography (aka Retrospect Foto on Etsy.) I love her photos, and I thought it would be fun to highlight some from her "At the Carnival" series. Carnivals just scream 'summer' to me. They are the epitome of those carefree childhood days, eating cotton candy or fried bread dough without worrying about the calories, or riding the roller coaster for the 10th time and still wanting to do it again. It represents the Joie de vivre that is still hidden in all of us (hopefully) underneath all the adult responsibilities and cares. Also, from a decor perspective, I think these prints would be great all together in a children's bedroom, hallway, or some other place that you might want to 'brighten' up with life and as a little daily reminder to always keep that childhood summer joy.


  1. wow! i love the colorful and vintage feel to her photos! they are fabulous!

  2. This is so amazing! I love it and it just brightened my eve:)

  3. these photos are so beautiful and whimsical! If only the carnival actually felt this way :)


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